

Water news you need to know

A collection of top water news from around California and the West compiled each weekday. Send any comments or article submissions to Foundation News & Publications Director Chris Bowman.

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Aquafornia news U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service

News release: Exploring water solutions for a better future

Scientists at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Southwest Climate Hub and California Climate Hub have developed a browsable map-based tool that addresses water scarcity in the U.S. Southwest. The Water Adaptation Techniques Atlas (WATA) consolidates over 200 case studies on research and practices that water managers and producers can use to find location-specific and topical information to make informed decisions regarding water management. … water scarcity has become a pressing issue with extremely hot temperatures and severe prolonged droughts in a region already challenged by its arid and semi-arid conditions. As reservoir and aquifer levels drop, information about strategies to adapt to this new reality is urgently needed. WATA provides information based on research from USDA’s Agricultural Research Service and other sources about practices for lessening the gap between water demand and available supply, with an emphasis on cropping and irrigation practices across the Southwest, including Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah.

Aquafornia news Bay Nature

The creek cleanups will continue indefinitely

It’s around 9:30am on the banks of Penitencia Creek in San Jose, and Santa Clara Valley Water is here for creek clean-up. This public agency that provides water to county residents is charged with keeping water sources clean and preventing floods. … Valley Water is getting $3 million in federal funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to ramp up the cleanups across nine of the county’s creeks, and undo other ecological damage—like fixing up human-dug caves and stairways along river banks, or removing rafts of entangled trash that are clogging salmonid streams. But with no long-term housing solution for the people living in the camps, trash and damage tends to reappear rapidly. Most camps are cleaned up on a monthly or quarterly basis. The whole operation (trash compactor, laboring crew, police escort, and all) is as expensive as it looks. 

Aquafornia news Los Angeles Times

California tribe welcomes beavers back to Tule River after 100 years

A family of beavers — three adults, one subadult and three babies, known as “kits” — were released into the South Fork Tule River watershed on June 12, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife said. Two other beavers were released into Miner Creek on June 17. … A decade ago, tribal leaders called for the animals to be returned, driven by traditional Indigenous knowledge about beavers’ importance to the ecosystem — and inspired by the 500-to-1,000-year-old beaver images left at the Yokuts village site known as Painted Rock. In 2022, Fish and Wildlife received state funding to start a restoration program to prepare sites in California for the semiaquatic animals. Beavers aid the environment by building dams that help to keep landscapes well-hydrated and more resilient in droughts and wildfires. That enhanced water retention could also protect the Tule River Indian Tribe’s drinking water supply — 80% of which comes from the river’s watershed, the CDFW said.

Aquafornia news SJV Water

Thursday Top of the Scroll: Chaos continues to reign among Kings County water agencies following state action

It’s been two and a half months since the state brought the hammer down on water managers in Kings County for lacking an adequate plan to stem overpumping in the region and the situation is, in a word – chaotic. One groundwater sustainability agency (GSA) has imploded, leaving the county to potentially pick up the pieces. Another doesn’t have enough money in the bank to pay its newly hired manager. One GSA has repeatedly canceled meetings, others appear to be crafting their own plans and one is banking on being exempted as a “good actor,” despite the state’s repeated insistence that there will be no such exemptions in San Joaquin Valley basins now under scrutiny. Oh, and the Farm Bureau is suing the state Water Resources Control Board over its vote April 16 to put the region, the Tulare Lake subbasin, into probation – the first step toward a possible state pumping takeover. All this while a deadline is rapidly approaching July 15 for all Kings County pumpers to register their wells and begin tracking their groundwater consumption.

Related articles:

Aquafornia news Sacramento Bee

California Democrats approve budget closing spending deficit. Why they still want billions from voters

… The budget battle is not over … Legislators are still working out two bond measures that will ask voters in November to allow California to borrow even more money for school facilities and climate change-related programs. Senate President Pro Tem Mike McGuire, D-Healdsburg, on Monday confirmed lawmakers will seek to extend the deadline for adding measures to the November ballot from June 27 to July 3. Lawmakers have sliced budget dollars for climate change and school facilities, an indication they’re hoping to use bond money to fill those holes. The spending plan agreement includes hundreds of millions of dollars in cuts to water storage projects, climate resilience initiatives and dam safety as well as a handful of other related reductions. … Sen. Ben Allen, D-Santa Monica, and Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia, D-Coachella, have climate bonds, both of which seek more than $15 billion for water quality and conservation, wildfire prevention, coastal preservation, clean energy projects and more. 

Related political and water infrastructure stories:

Aquafornia news The Associated Press

Water-rich Gila River tribe near Phoenix flexes its political muscles in a drying West

Stephen Roe Lewis grew up seeing stacks of legal briefs at the dinner table — often, about his tribe’s water. His father, the late Rodney Lewis, was general counsel for the Gila River Indian Community and fought for the tribe’s rights to water in the Southwest, eventually securing in 2004 the largest Native American water settlement in U.S. history. Years later, Stephen would become governor of the tribe, whose reservation is about a half-hour south of downtown Phoenix. Amid his tenure, he’s been pivotal in navigating a water crisis across the seven-state Colorado River basin caused by existential drought made worse by climate change and decades of Western states overdrawing from the river. Lewis, 56, has leveraged the Gila River tribe’s water abundance to help Arizona, making his tribe a power player in the parched region. His fingerprints are on many recent, high-stakes decisions made in the West about the future of the river that supports 40 million people, and the tribe’s influence is only growing.

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Aquafornia news California Department of Water Resources

Blog: Climate Readiness – Using advanced lasers and sonar to determine if Lake Oroville has lost capacity

With California experiencing extreme swings between severe drought to torrential rain, the Department of Water Resources (DWR) wanted to see if the State Water Project’s largest reservoir, Lake Oroville, had shrunk (or lost storage capacity) due to weather swings and almost six decades of service. DWR utilized the latest terrain-mapping technology to determine if there have been any changes in the lake’s volume to optimize how the reservoir is operated and ensure accuracy in estimating California’s water supply availability. … Starting with an airplane-mounted LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) laser system, DWR took advantage of the lake’s historically low water levels in 2021 to first map portions of the basin that would typically be under water during normal years. Then a boat outfitted with multibeam-sonar bathymetry instruments spent weeks in 2022 sending sonar pulses into the depths of Lake Oroville to map its underwater surface terrain. What resulted were highly detailed 3D topographic terrain models of the bottom of the lake, which DWR engineers used to calculate a new storage capacity of 3,424,753 acre-feet, approximately 3 percent less than previously estimated.

Related water technology articles:

Aquafornia news Voice of San Diego

San Diego’s water prices face doomsday increase

Thursday [June 27] is doomsday for water prices in San Diego. That’s when the region’s water importer – the San Diego County Water Authority – debates whether to boost its prices a whopping 18 percent come Jan. 1. The price increase is massive compared to previous rate increases, and the Water Authority’s biggest customer, the city of San Diego, is pretty ticked off. … San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria directed his powerful contingent of 10 water board members to fight the increase. We won’t know how hard they’ll fight until the full 33-member board meets Thursday afternoon to vote on it. Gloria’s administration is building a water recycling project, which costs billions of dollars. Once its built, in 2035, San Diego won’t buy as much water from the Water Authority. But for now, San Diegans are saddled with the cost of building water recycling and purchasing expensive water from outside city boundaries.

Aquafornia news Audubon California

Blog: How changes at the Salton Sea might be fueling the smallest migrants

… The role of inland saline lakes like the Salton Sea in providing biofilm to migrating birds is a new and intriguing line of inquiry and emphasizes the already dire need to conserve the limited number of stopover habitats suitable for shorebirds. Saline lakes across the interior western U.S. are at risk of ecological collapse as fresh water is diverted away and salinity rises to unhealthy levels. This puts millions of birds already devastated by habitat loss at further risk and exposes human residents to toxic sediments as shorelines recede and form large dust clouds. Maintaining the ecological function of these lakes is essential to both public health and the recovery of migratory bird populations in the western United States.

Aquafornia news The Week

The US and Mexico are in conflict over the Rio Grande and Colorado River

The U.S. and Mexico are experiencing another border dispute, and this one is about water. The conflict stems from an 80-year-old treaty where the countries agreed to share water from the Colorado River and the Rio Grande. However, because water is in more demand but scarcer than ever, sharing has not been going to plan. The U.S. and Mexico signed a treaty in 1944 stipulating that Mexico send 1.75 million acre-feet of water to the U.S. every five years from the Rio Grande, and the U.S. send 1.5 million acre-feet of water to Mexico from the Colorado River each year. But water levels are lower than ever, and Mexico has “sent only about 30% of its expected deliveries, the lowest amount at this point of any four- or five-year cycles since 1992,” said Reuters. … The effects are far-reaching. … Texas, in particular, is home to sugar and citrus farms struggling from a lack of water. On the other hand, farmers in Mexico are protesting sending water to the U.S., as they are also suffering from scarcity. 

Aquafornia news Eos

Wildfire smoke affects the function of lake ecosystems

Wildfires are on the rise. The smoke they bring darkens the sky and deposits ash. Ocean research has provided clues about how smoke affects marine ecosystems, but little is known about how it affects freshwater ecosystems like lakes. A new study published in Communications Earth and Environment shows that in some California lakes, smoke can alter physical and biological processes that are key to systems such as nutrient cycling, rates of carbon sequestration, and food web structure. Both the number of smoky days and the extent of smoke coverage have climbed in recent decades, said Adrianne Smits, an environmental scientist at the University of California, Davis, and coauthor of the new study. “Smoke cover in California is really no longer an ephemeral event,” she said, but “could be thought of more as a seasonal phenomenon.”

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Aquafornia news KneeDeep Times

Sizing up progress on nature-based infrastructure

It wasn’t the appearance of a flashy, high-ranking California official at the podium, or the review of 35 years of efforts to protect the Bay’s watershed at the beginning of the May 2024 State of the Estuary conference that made me sit up in my red velvet auditorium seat. It was an awards ceremony for outstanding projects. … There to receive each small plaque from Friends of the Estuary were long lines of “collaborators.” As they snaked on and off the stage for a photo and handshake, the line of folk who had helped complete this or that project — from mapping the range of the salt marsh harvest mouse to involving students and teachers in watershed restoration — got longer and longer. … Though the region’s ability to collaborate with other agencies and scientists and managers to protect and restore the San Francisco Estuary has grown exponentially, over the years, these same folks are now tangling with a new challenge: how to make this work relevant to the Bay Area’s most “underserved” communities. 

Aquafornia news KTLA

State officials warn of ‘dangerous’ algae bloom in Southern California lake

Officials from the California Water Resources Control Board are urging people to avoid Lake Elsinore due to an algae bloom that’s created dangerous levels of harmful toxins. Visitors are urged to stay out of the water, keep their pets at a safe distance and do not drink water or eat any fish or shellfish from the lake. Five “distinct areas” of Lake Elsinore were tested and high levels of toxins were detected that officials say pose a significant health risk.

Aquafornia news Congressman John Garamendi

News release: Garamendi secures wins for Bay Area and Delta in Water Resources Development Act

 Today, U.S. Representative John Garamendi (D-CA08) voted to pass the “Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2024″ (H.R.8812) in the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure by a bipartisan vote of 61 to 2. The full House of Representatives is expected to take up the bill in the coming weeks. “The biennial Water Resources Development Act strengthens flood protection and our precious water resources in communities across California and the country. This soon-to-become law will upgrade our water infrastructure, strengthen climate resiliency, and restore aquatic ecosystems across the Bay Area and California Delta,” Garamendi said. ”As a longstanding member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, I secured key provisions in the bill to support dredging the Mare Island Strait, enhance environmental restoration efforts at Lake Tahoe, and expand the Army Corps’ existing vessel removal authority to also include abandoned and derelict vessels. I expect President Biden to sign this bipartisan bill into law.”

Aquafornia news Wine Business

Museum educates public about how farmers work hard to use less water

Since Sacramento’s acclaimed Museum of Science and Curiosity (MOSAC) opened in November 2021, more than 331,000 visitors have toured the facility, which features dozens of interactive exhibits on topics such as health care, nature, space exploration and water. A popular MOSAC section is the Water Challenge Exhibit, which includes three interactive displays sponsored by Cultivate California and its nonprofit parent organization the California Farm Water Coalition that illustrate how farmers are working hard to use less water.

Related articles:

SJV Sun: Opinion: When it comes to Calif.’s water, the numbers do lie

Aquafornia news Arizona Daily Star

Opinion: Water-bill veto is missed opportunity

Governor Katie Hobbs’ recent veto of three Republican water bills, including the “Ag to Urban” bill, represents a significant setback for Arizona’s efforts to address its ongoing water crisis. … The “Ag to Urban” bill was a pragmatic approach to one of our state’s most pressing issues: water conservation. Arizona’s current water management laws inadvertently discourage transitioning land from agriculture to suburban use, despite the fact that agricultural practices are substantially more water-intensive than residential or municipal uses. This transition is essential for our state’s future, and the vetoed bill aimed to facilitate this shift by addressing the outdated and counterproductive incentives embedded in our water laws. … The Governor’s veto, therefore, is not just a rejection of a Republican bill, but a refusal to embrace a forward-thinking solution to Arizona’s water and housing crises.
— written by Alexander Kolodin, attorney and Republican member of the Arizona State House

Aquafornia news CalMatters

Wednesday Top of the Scroll: Drinking water of a million people fails California requirements

Almost 400 water systems serving nearly a million Californians don’t meet state requirements for safe and reliable drinking water supplies — and fixing them would cost billions of dollars. More than two-thirds of these failing water systems serve communities of color, and more than half are in places struggling with poverty and pollution, according to an annual assessment released today by the State Water Resources Control Board. These water systems failed to provide water “which is at all times pure, wholesome, and potable,” as required. Some violated drinking water standards for chemicals, bacteria, taste or odor. Others rely on bottled water, or have failed to meet treatment, monitoring or other requirements. … The price tag for ensuring safe, affordable and accessible water supplies for all Californians is staggering — an estimated $16 billion over the next five years — as the state grapples with a multibillion-dollar deficit. 

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Aquafornia news KUNC

Does Arizona have enough water? Phoenix-area cities are spending big to make sure it does

… The Biden Administration has poured money … allocating $4 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act for Colorado River projects. … The Biden administration framed the spending effort as “water conservation,” but Arizona’s municipal water leaders aren’t using it to make changes traditionally thought of as conservation. Instead of paying for small tweaks to water use – like encouraging residents to install low-flow showerheads or rip out their thirsty lawns – many are thinking bigger, putting their multimillion dollar checks towards billion dollar infrastructure projects that are aimed at keeping taps flowing for decades to come. Basically, cities like Peoria are planning to engineer their way out of the problem.

Related articles:

Aquafornia news Bureau of Reclamation

News release: Reclamation again increases 2024 Central Valley Project water supply allocation

Today, the Bureau of Reclamation announced another increase in the Central Valley Project 2024 water supply allocation for south-of-Delta contractors. While all north-of-Delta Central Valley Project contractors are currently at 100% of their supplies, south-of-Delta agricultural contractors are being increased from 40% to 50%.  All other Central Valley Project contract allocations remain the same per the March 22 water supply update. Initial contract allocations were announced on Feb. 21 and updated in March and April.

Related water supply articles: 

Aquafornia news Public Policy Institute of California

Blog: Drought and groundwater sustainability in California’s farming regions

As the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) approaches its tenth anniversary, California is making progress towards implementation—but the 2020–22 drought shows that much work still lies ahead. Drought poses a particular challenge for SGMA compliance in many farming regions. Increased groundwater use keeps crops irrigated when surface water is scarce, but it can cause undesirable impacts such as dry wells, infrastructure damage from land subsidence (sinking lands), and increased rates of seawater intrusion. While SGMA allows some flexibility for extra groundwater pumping during droughts, it also requires local agencies to guard against these undesirable impacts.

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