Contact Us

Contact Us

The Water Education Foundation is located at 2151 River Plaza Drive, Suite 205, Sacramento CA 95833.

We are open Tuesday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. but please call/email before coming to visit or pick up materials.

Our phone number is 916-444-6240 but the best way to reach us is via email as we continue to work in a hybrid fashion – in the office and remotely from home.

If you have any questions, please see the topics below to find out whom to email:


  • Water tours, workshops and other events such as our Water Summit, or to request a private tour from the Foundation, email Nick Gray

​​​Project WET Workshops for Educators:


  • Online orders placed for maps, Layperson’s Guides or another publication, or to order bulk quantities for a discounted price, email Marilyn Lapkass
  • Western Water, Aquafornia, Aquapedia, our Layperson Guides or website content, including use of photographs, email Chris Bowman


Media Inquiries:

  • Please contact Jenn Bowles, executive director, via email.