Hot off the Press: Updated Layperson’s Guide to Water Recycling
Covers latest trends, stats in California and Southwest
The Water Education Foundation’s
5th edition of the Layperson’s
Guide to Water Recycling is hot off the press and
available for purchase.
Updated and redesigned, the 21-page overview comes as cities in California and Arizona significantly expand and upgrade their wastewater recycling facilities as a strategic defense against extended droughts and climate change.
The guide is a solid, easy-to-read primer on the history, methods, regulation and challenges of water recycling and its various uses – from boosting drinking water supplies to irrigating crops, generating electricity and improving wildlife habitat.
The Water Recycling publication is one in a series of Layperson’s Guides that provide impartial and balanced background on key water topics and landmarks across California and the West. Researched and written by the Foundation’s journalism team, our recently published guides include those on the Klamath River Basin (2023) and Water Conservation (2022).
The Water Recycling guide is available for $18 through the Foundation’s website. For questions and bulk orders at a discounted price, email Marilyn Lapkass.