Sara Reid
Sara Reid is Vice President and Credit Manager for CoBank, ACB (part of the Farm Credit System) and an alumnus of the Water Education Foundation’s 2015 Water Leaders Program. She oversees the credit review and loan decision-making process for CoBank’s 400-plus borrowers in the Western region.
With 15 years of experience lending to farmers, ranchers and food processors in the Western United States, Reid has become a go-to person on California water within the Farm Credit System and for Farm Credit Administration regulators. She also chairs the bank’s Specialty Crop Center of Excellence, which directs research and assists in preparing publications on specialty crops, including several drought-related papers published in recent years.
Reid hails from a farming and ranching family in Colorado, where water was a frequent topic of conversation, and is passionate about understanding water in the West from various perspectives.
She has a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting and a master’s degree in accountancy from the University of Denver. She is past state president of California Women for Agriculture, one of the largest volunteer organizations dedicated to advocating for agriculture in California.
Reid joined the Foundation’s Board of Directors in 2016.