Andrea Abergel
California Municipal Utilities Association
Andrea Abergel is manager of water policy for the California Municipal Utilities Association. She represents CMUA’s water member agencies on issues before various California agencies including the State Water Resources Control Board and Regional Water Quality Control Boards, Department of Water Resources and California Water Commission. Abergel is a practicing attorney licensed in California and is an alum of the Water Education Foundation’s 2022 Water Leaders class.
Before joining CMUA, Abergel worked for Sacramento-based law firms focused on environmental issues including land use, water quality, local and state permitting, stormwater management and ecosystem improvement. In her role as an attorney, Abergel represented clients in navigating complex California permitting schemes, complying with water quality regulations, responding to and addressing violations of California regulations.
Abergel holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of California, Davis School of Law, and a bachelor’s degree in political science and psychology from the University of California, Davis.
She joined the Water Education Foundation’s Board of Directors in 2023 as a member of the 2022 Water Leader cohort.