Forecast map: California rivers bulge, no major floods expected yet
As the gargantuan Sierra snowpack gets heated up by warmer temperatures this week, many of the Golden State’s major waterways are expected to see a surge in flow from the melting snow — though major floods still seem a ways off for now. The only rivers forecast to exceed flood stage in the next four days are the Merced River near Yosemite Valley, which will close down parts of the national park, and the West Fork Carson River in Alpine County.
Related articles:
- Los Angeles Times: California heat wave forecast to bring year’s hottest weather
- ABC30 Fresno: San Joaquin, Kings rivers closed in Fresno County as snowpack melts
- KTVU – Oakland: San Joaquin bracing for high snowmelt water flows
- SJV Water: Kern River water heads north through flood channel but won’t hit Tulare Lake – yet
- SJV Water: Kaweah River water managers prepare for more high water as the valley heats up
- NBC News Digital: See which California rivers are flooding
- Yale Climate Collections: California’s Big Melt kicks off, likely to cause floods